M.H. – Material Handling

Automazione delle linee di confezionamento opportunità e sfide nel packaging secondario (1)

Packaging line automation: opportunities and challenges in secondary packaging

The introduction of automation in packaging lines represents a challenge but also a great opportunity for food companies, especially in emerging markets.

Yet many lines stop, in terms of automation, at the primary packaging, an indispensable step to get products onto the shelves. However, secondary packaging is an equally strategic step to improve overall efficiency.

Automate to reduce costs? Not so simple

One of the first goals for project managers is automation as a means of reducing the number of operators. But beware: it is important to be aware that automation can impact line flexibility. While manual operations offer inherent flexibility, automating everything can be costly, especially for lines that have to handle a wide variety of formats.

In this context, the goal of automation should be to increase productivity by reducing the variability of formats, while maintaining production flexibility. A winning strategy could be to move products that have less incidence to dedicated or semi-automated lines.

Attention to space: automation requires planning

Space in the factory is another crucial variable. The installation of automated machines requires adequate operating space, not only for the footprint of the machines themselves, but also for maintenance and the continuous flow of materials.

It is therefore essential to carefully plan the layout of the production line, avoiding that new machines obstruct the operational flow or restrict access to working areas.

Warehousing and logistics: connection is key

L’automazione porta con sé un aumento della produzione, che significa una gestione dei materiali più intensa. Collegare efficacemente la linea di produzione al magazzino diventa fondamentale per evitare colli di bottiglia. Per questo motivo, l’uso di pallettizzazione manuale e movimentazione tramite transpallet potrebbe non essere sufficiente. È necessario considerare soluzioni automatizzate per la gestione del magazzino e il trasporto dei prodotti finiti, al fine di garantire un flusso continuo ed efficiente.

Focus on operator safety

The ergonomics of the production line is another aspect that should not be underestimated. When introducing new machines and connecting conveyors, there is a risk of closing vital passages for operators or creating difficulties in the replenishment of packaging materials. Here again, careful planning of the layout is crucial, to ensure that workers can operate safely, as well as guaranteeing an optimal, smooth workflow.

Gradual automation: a strategic choice

It is clear that secondary packaging automation is a strategic investment for food companies. The benefits in terms of efficiency and safety are tangible, but careful planning is essential to ensure that the transition to automation goes smoothly.

Automating a production line in one go can put pressure on the entire plant, with the risk of production being halted for weeks or months. A more prudent strategy is to implement automation in successive steps. This approach allows each step to be tested and validated, gradually training operators and reducing the risks of production downtime.

At M.H. Material Handling, we support our customers at every stage of the automation journey, from design to implementation, ensuring that every investment brings tangible and lasting benefits. Thanks to our vast experience in the sector, we are able to provide customised solutions that meet the specific needs of each company.

Aware of the many challenges that food companies face, we offer an exclusive tool to optimise the entire process: the ‘MH Solution Scan’. This is an advanced and comprehensive diagnosis, designed to thoroughly analyse your packaging line. This advanced technology allows you to precisely identify areas for improvement, suggesting the most effective solutions to increase efficiency, optimise production flow and reduce operating costs.

With MH Solution Scan, you can quickly identify critical points and take the right countermeasures to transform your production. Our team will accompany you all the way, offering you the experience and technology you need to enhance your operations and achieve concrete results. Find out how MH Solution Scan can make a difference in your production line and lead your company towards a future of greater efficiency and competitiveness.




Il perché dei sapori: scopri Ferri Group.